Friday, April 10, 2009


It's been awhile since my last post, but never fear! It's not because of a lack of crafting. I keep intending to write a post in the evenings after work, but I'm telling you - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia combined with chicken strips and "potato medley" from Trader Joe's has started to get a little addicting. One of these days I'm going to start cooking again...just not right now.

At any rate, I tried my hand last weekend at knitting and felting three bowls in the hopes of needle-felting some sort of design on them. The large one and the small one were off a pattern, but the middle one I sort of just freestyled because I had a feeling the large one would be way too big. It seemed like it would be more of a canister, which I wasn't really going for:

I like the little brown one the best and, post-felting, I knitted another one even smaller. Sorry, though, no pictures yet as I haven't gotten a chance to pose it. :-)

Monday and Tuesday nights were essentially devoted to needle-felting on top of the bowls. I figured these would sort of be test projects anyway, so I just went for anything that came to mind. For the purple bowl, I attempted two birds on one side and a sort of Orla Kiely-ish leaf design on the other. On the whole, I love the leaf and will definitely have to try that again. The birds are a little strange though...they didn't entirely turn out like I had envisioned.

It looked alright when it was just the bigger bird, but my OCD made me obsess about it being a little crooked so I tried adding the little guy for balance. I think if I just did one larger bird it would look better...might have to try that on another side.

For the blue middle-sized bowl, I thought it would be really cool to needle-felt "NOTIONS" on the side of the bowl to indicated it would be, in fact, for holding notions. However, I don't know if I made the letters too big, or if I spaced them out too much, but the result is less than pleasing. Every time I look at it I think it says "LOTION" because you can't see the whole word and, really, what other popular word has "OTION" in it.

The jury is still out on this one. I really want to like it since I spent so much time trying to get those GD letters on there, but I sort of don't. I think if I could get the whole word on one side of the bowl it would be another story.

I still haven't put anything on the little brown guy. I'm considering polka dots...that could be interesting, right? Maybe in a couple different colors? Or, alternately, I might try a different bird. I really really want to bird idea to work out.

In other news, Adam has decided to get into a Lego kick. I had essentially forgotten about Legos, but after going into the Bellevue store yesterday I had a TON of memories come back. Like, some of the sets Tommy and I used to have are still for sale! He ended up buying an X-Wing set which was freaking sweet and we are heading back in about an hour. I am seriously considering getting a new phone as I essentially can't text anymore. I think I'm going to go for the Blackberry Storm because I really want a touch screen and I can't have the iPhone (switching away from Verizon is just ridiculous). Maybe in another two years when this contract expires Verizon will have something sweeter. But I mean Blackberry just opened an App store so maybe I can get some sweet stuff? I know the phone comes with a Flickr application, so get ready for me to start my own life Flickr Pool. It's going to be out the cuts.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I really like the leaf bowl and the little guys on the other side.
    I have convinced myself that Trader Joe's sweet potato fries count as a vegetable course. Potato medley sounds probably a bit healthier though. I should try that.
    Also, what are notions? Do I have some and don't even "no" it?
