Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hey Computer!

This week has been great so far for getting things done! I am so quickly distracted by the TV or bed, or attempting to "read" on the couch, but so far I have managed to avoid all those things! (slight lie...I did was last week's 30 Rock last night and last week's Office tonight and OMG to both)

Crafting hasn't been too productive, though tonight I did knit a quick bowl to felt (it essentially looks like a hat at this point). I might try to get that felted this weekend so I can try my hand at needle felting onto it. Big news for yesterday though was REGISTERING! Though it isn't nearly complete, it did set up a registry on both Crate and Barrel's website and (love it!). I'm not even bothing to do Macy's since they have too much stuff I want to look at in person and their website is a bit of a mess. Favorite item added to the registry you ask? See for yourself: It's necessary, right? My deck would definitely not be complete without it.

On another side note, Adam has finally broken down and purchased the starter books for Dungeons and Dragons. Shocking, but true. It would be much more of a nerd event except Tommy played all throughout high school so I have already been exposed to it. Bonus for me though - I made him get me our next book club book with the order.

I feel like this post isn't complete without a picture. I'll throw Colin in here for everyone...hey Colin...

1 comment:

  1. What exactly IS Colin? Also, if I have kids, will you make them stuff like this? I think it's cute. It reminds me of Emmitt Otter.
